We all want a soulmate. “The One.” Your perfect partner who can read your mind and finish your sentences. We want fate and fireworks. But believing in predetermined destiny is limiting. It leaves little room for adventure and what life may want to give you. What if The One isn’t who you thought they would be? Love isn’t always syrupy sweet kisses and walking off into the sunset. Sometimes the purpose of a soul mate is to tear down your walls, shake you awake, and reveal new parts of yourself. They become a mirror that exposes new dimensions of you, parts that you may relish in or shrink from. Soul mates give you the opportunity to notice personal obstacles. And then actually do something about them. They can force you to your own leading edge. To grow. Expand. Develop. But all that emotional fever does not guarantee that they are your life partner. Often rive...
Standing behind the door she always knew.. But this time it's different..Very different though.. It was mid-night...And she was scared and ashamed Thinking what should she say to not be blamed.. Inhaling a deep breath..Unsure if she should do this.. Feeling sorry for her family..And for herself more than this.. Looking behind her..She might leave and go back.. But he was gone and disappeared in that dark...!!! Holding her purse so tight..She rang the bell.. Once , twice and again..They were sleeping, she could tell.. Minutes later the door was open.. With stares and shocks...no words were spoken.. She dashed to her room..Dragging her suitcase behind.. Trying to search for some parts of her broken soul..But any she could not find.. Very Tired..Tired from tears and pain.. She threw her self on the bed..Ruminating the memory again and again.. With no reason she could find.. Just her husband words kept shuttling in her mind...!!! Like a dream...Few months ago she were here.. Spoiled , ...
“If we can have different lives, with other chances, he would be my choice, for eternity”. That’s what I’ve been saying every time my heart ached for him, every time I felt regret. Maybe it’s just an excuse for me, but anyway it made me feel better at that time. I don’t know why I’m telling you this, or even posting it on my blog, I just needed to share. He’s been my secret for a long time now, although few people knew the story, but no one ever knew it all. I wish if one day he could be something more than few words I scratch on my desk, or few letters in my passwords. But, nothing ever comes the way we want. He isn’t the best or the most handsome guy ever, but for me, and for everyone in my college, he is. He was my ideal version of men, and to be honest, everyone I ever knew after him, is someway a copy from him, but somehow a better copy that my parents would accept. He suddenly crashed into my life. I never knew him, but he knew me very well. I still remembe...