Again !
Just like that, After all of this time, After all of these rules, After all of the resistance, The fights, Eventually, It's happening again .. !! I loved again, I'm crying again, I feel pain again, I don't know when or how, But I knew when it was over, I felt my heart break once again, I've been fooled one more time, After I thought I wont, After I stopped believing, After I stopped dreaming, After I stopped breathing, It's happening again .. !! I made someone special .. Again, Another man ruled in my life, Again .. And I agreed to be postponed, To be the one on his waiting list, And I don't even have a list, And his list kept going bigger and bigger .. Longer and longer .. With me going farther and farther, Again and again .. !! I feel sick .. My legs can barely hold me, But I've got to stand up, Even higher than before, I have to fake that I'm alive, Alive without a soul, I've to face the world One more time...